A sick beagle named Gregory, facing an uncertain fate, found a new lease on life thanks to the kindness of a compassionate rescuer. Despite suffering from heartworm disease—a treatable and non-fatal condition—Gregory was on the verge of being euthanized at the Franklin County Animal Shelter. But just in time, Joe Kirk stepped in to save the day.
Joe, deeply moved by Gregory’s plight, couldn’t bear the thought of the dog being put to death simply for being ill. Every pet deserves care, love, and a permanent home—just like people, they too fall sick sometimes. Joe’s mission to give Gregory a second chance reflects the belief that illness should never be a reason for abandonment or euthanasia.
The Sanctuary That Saved Him
Joe and his wife Schenley are the founders of Hound Rescue and Sanctuary, a nonprofit organization based in Findlay, Ohio. Their sanctuary is dedicated to rescuing dogs in need, especially those at risk of euthanasia. The couple ensures every dog under their care receives medical attention, love, and a chance at a forever home. Preventing needless euthanasia is at the heart of their mission.
When Joe rescued Gregory, the beagle’s gratitude was immediate and touching. In a series of heartwarming photos, Gregory hugged Joe as if to thank him for saving his life. “Gregory is a very grateful beagle,” said Joe and Schenley. “He seemed to know he was safe the moment we brought him home.”
A Second Chance at Life
Now receiving treatment for his heartworm infection, Gregory is in excellent hands. He’s surrounded by love and care at the sanctuary, where 30 other dogs also receive top-notch attention. Many of these dogs are available for adoption, and volunteers work tirelessly to ensure they have the best lives possible.
Gregory didn’t have to wait long for his forever home. After being put up for adoption, he quickly captured the hearts of a loving family. In his new home, Gregory enjoys all the comforts he could have ever dreamed of, including the companionship of another beagle sibling. The two have already formed a close bond.
A Life Worth Saving
Joe and Schenley are overjoyed that they could give Gregory the second chance he deserved. To them, every life is significant, and while they can’t save every animal, each one they rescue makes a profound difference. “Saving the life of an innocent animal who was so close to being lost is an indescribable feeling,” they said.
Gregory, now thriving with his new family, shows his gratitude every day with hugs and kisses. He’s a happy, loving dog who will never again face the fear of abandonment or euthanasia. His story is a testament to the power of compassion and the life-changing impact of rescue work.