For 17 years, Romeo and Juliet were inseparable. They shared everything — their meals, walks, and countless hours cuddled together, often curled up so closely they seemed to melt into one. But after nearly two decades of this loving companionship, Juliet lost her beloved Romeo, leaving the caretakers at Vintage Pet Rescue with a heartbreaking question: how do you help a dog heal after losing their other half?
Romeo and Juliet arrived at the senior dog sanctuary in Rhode Island earlier that summer after their owner passed away. Kristen Peralta, the founder of Vintage Pet Rescue, was immediately moved by the unbreakable bond between the two elderly dachshunds.
“They were always snuggled together, sharing the same bed,” Peralta told The Dodo. “Romeo would fall asleep first, and Juliet would often walk on top of him to find the perfect cozy spot. They were always sniffing each other’s ears — it was so sweet to watch.”
Just as the pair started adjusting to their new life, Romeo’s health began to decline. Once a member of the "clean plate club," he suddenly lost his appetite. Peralta feared the worst — Romeo’s stage two kidney failure seemed to have worsened.
“When we took him to the vet, his kidney values were so high they couldn’t be read on the machine,” Peralta said. “It broke our hearts, but we knew the kindest thing was to say goodbye. We brought Juliet with us, so she could be there with him.”
When Juliet returned to the rescue, she found herself surrounded by other senior dogs, but none could fill the void left by her lifelong companion. That’s when Peralta had a simple but powerful idea.
“A few days after Romeo passed, I thought maybe Juliet would find comfort in something that reminded her of him,” Peralta said. “I searched online for a stuffed dachshund, and one of the first ones I found looked just like Romeo. It was perfect.”
To Peralta’s surprise, Juliet immediately took to the plush toy. “I didn’t think she’d really respond to it, but she did. It’s not a replacement for Romeo, but it seems to bring her some comfort,” Peralta shared.
These days, Juliet can often be found curled up with her new plush friend, snuggled close or resting right on top of it — just as she did with Romeo. From afar, it’s easy to imagine she’s found her way back to him.
“Juliet seems to enjoy cuddling with the toy,” Peralta said. “At 17, her health isn’t perfect, but our goal is to keep her comfortable and happy for as long as possible.”

The heartwarming photos and videos of Juliet and her stuffed companion have touched dog lovers everywhere, sparking interest from potential adopters.
“We’ve had a few people express interest in adopting Juliet, including one of our volunteers,” Peralta said. “We’re hopeful she’ll find her new forever home in the coming weeks.”
Despite the loss of her beloved Romeo, Juliet has been lucky in love — first with her lifelong best friend, and now with a whole community rooting for her next chapter.
“She’s such a sweet, happy girl,” Peralta said. “She deserves all the love and attention she can get.”