Rescuer's Heartbreak: Abandoned Huskies Found Huddled Together in Industrial Park Without a Home

Rescuer's Heartbreak: Abandoned Huskies Found Huddled Together in Industrial Park Without a Home


 In the industrial area of Lynwood, California, Suzette Hall, founder of Logan’s Legacy 29, faced yet another heart-wrenching scene on Wednesday. Arriving at a notorious dumping ground for unwanted dogs, Suzette was overwhelmed with emotion as she discovered two Huskies abandoned and left to fend for themselves.

Just earlier in the month, Suzette had rescued other dogs from this very area, but now she found these two Huskies huddled together, having survived the dangers of the area, including the chaos of fireworks. They had managed to cling to each other for comfort and safety amidst the harsh conditions.

Upon finding them, Suzette offered them some food, but before she could even turn around, the two dogs had eagerly jumped into her vehicle. Despite not having immediate foster care options, Suzette couldn't bear to leave them behind.

“I knew I couldn’t just leave them there,” Suzette said. “They were so relieved to be in the air conditioning. The sweet babies snuggled up together and fell fast asleep.”

With nowhere else to go, Suzette drove around in tears until she arranged for the dogs to stay overnight at her veterinarian’s office kennel. But fortune smiled upon them as Suzette’s friends at Promise 4 Paws stepped in to provide them with luxury accommodations.

When they arrived at their temporary haven, the two dogs, now named King and Queen, were still inseparable, sharing affectionate kisses as if bound by a canine promise. However, King was in particularly bad shape, with a dangerous fever of 104 degrees and parts of a kitchen glove found in his system during an X-ray. Both dogs were also suffering from severe flea infestations and painful matting that made it hard for them to move.

King is currently receiving intravenous fluids and antibiotics as veterinarians work to diagnose and treat his numerous health issues. The dogs are being carefully shaved to alleviate their pain, and they remain in compassionate care as they begin their journey to recovery.


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