Preciosa’s story begins with a tragic misunderstanding. Born with a larger-than-normal head and no eyes, this little Chihuahua was considered “different” from the start. Her owners noticed something was wrong early on. While other puppies in the litter were healthy, Preciosa’s head appeared unusually big, and she seemed to be struggling. As time passed, her owners realized she couldn’t see, and they believed she would never live a happy life. Rather than seek help, they made a devastating decision—Preciosa, they thought, did not deserve love or a chance at life.
In fact, they considered euthanizing her, believing that no one would want a dog like her. Their decision was based solely on her condition—she was born without eyes, and they feared she would suffer a life of hardship. They couldn’t have been more wrong.
The story could have ended there, with Preciosa facing an untimely death, but fate intervened. A compassionate woman named Dina Severnichis Lemos heard about Preciosa’s situation. A friend had shared the heartbreaking news that this innocent puppy, who had not yet seen her first week of life, was going to be put down simply because she was “different.”
Dina couldn't bear the thought of Preciosa's life ending without even a chance to experience love and care. She rushed to offer the little pup a future filled with hope. Preciosa’s early days had been marked by confusion and frustration—she kept bumping into walls and furniture as she learned to navigate a world without sight. But she wasn’t defeated. Over time, Preciosa began to learn the layout of her home and adjust to her new life. Despite her challenges, she grew into a happy, energetic puppy with a heart full of love to give.
Today, Preciosa is thriving, surrounded by care and comfort she had been denied for so long. Her story is a powerful reminder that all dogs, regardless of their differences, deserve love, a chance at life, and a family to call their own. Unfortunately, too many puppies with special needs are abandoned, neglected, or even sacrificed because they don’t fit into the world’s narrow view of what is “perfect.”
No one should be discarded simply for being different. Preciosa, with her unique condition, has proven that all she needed was time, patience, and most importantly, love. She is a beautiful example of resilience and the power of compassion.
Let’s raise awareness for puppies like Preciosa who deserve a chance at life. Share her story and help ensure that more animals with special needs are given the loving homes they deserve.