Woman Notices a White Box on the Curb — and Is Surprised When a Fluffy Head Peeks Out

Woman Notices a White Box on the Curb — and Is Surprised When a Fluffy Head Peeks Out


 Recently, Maria was driving through South Los Angeles when she noticed an unusual sight: a white cardboard box abandoned on the curb. A nearby shopkeeper mentioned that someone had seen a figure inside the box. Intrigued, Maria decided to check it out.

At first glance, the box seemed like ordinary litter, but then Maria spotted a fluffy black head peeking out. The shopkeeper was right—inside the box was a kitten in need of help.

Maria carefully lifted the kitten from the box and placed her safely in her car. You can see the rescue unfold in this video:

Maria soon reached out to local cat rescuer Tara Coppola, who agreed to take the kitten under her wing. When Coppola met her new furry resident, she was immediately struck by the kitten’s friendly demeanor. 

“This kitten is incredibly sociable,” Coppola told The Dodo. “It’s clear she’s been cared for by someone.”

Now in Coppola’s care, the kitten is receiving the veterinary attention she needs to ensure she grows up healthy. Coppola plans to find her a loving forever home once she’s fully prepared for adoption.

With proper care and a safe environment, this once-abandoned kitten is finally beginning the life she truly deserves.


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