Capone's Fight for Survival: From Abandoned to Rescued in Lindale, Texas

Capone's Fight for Survival: From Abandoned to Rescued in Lindale, Texas


 An emaciated dog was found wandering the streets of Lindale, Texas, when a Good Samaritan shared disturbing photos online, pleading for help. Angel Paws Advocates quickly responded to the shocking images, stating:

“When we first saw this picture, we thought it was a fish! But no, this is a DOG. It's horrifying to think there are people who would allow this to happen to their pet.”

The dog, named Capone by his rescuers, had been eating anything he could find just to survive. Along with severe malnourishment, he suffered from a heavy flea and parasitic infestation, as well as anemia. Fortunately, despite everything, Capone tested

X-rays revealed foreign materials and metal in his stomach, and on Thursday, Capone underwent surgery to remove the obstruction. Though his condition remains serious, he’s shown signs of improvement.

This morning, Capone was up on his feet outdoors enjoying the sunshine. He’s eating, drinking lots of water, and his system is working to remove toxins from his frail body. He remains in the care of Dr Koten and the staff. They literally saved Capone’s life this week.

This one about broke us emotionally, but he’s a fighter and we are about saving lives! We will never understand abuse and neglect at this level. Have a safe and enjoyable weekend everyone! We love our APA followers and supporters!


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