The Enchanting Mystery of Pinkie: Louisiana’s All-Pink Dolphin
Over the past decade, Pinkie the dolphin has captivated both locals and visitors in Louisiana. While some dolphins have pink bellies, Pinkie stands out with her entire body— from her snout to her tail— being a vivid pink. Scientists speculate that Pinkie suffers from albinism, a genetic condition that prevents dolphins from producing the pigments needed to give their skin the typical gray color. Meet Pinkie, the stunning all-pink dolphin who has been roaming the waters of Louisiana, astonishing countless onlookers with her unique coloration.
Though dolphins commonly have pink bellies, an entirely pink dolphin is exceptionally rare and beautiful. Researchers believe Pinkie’s striking color is due to albinism, a genetic flaw that stops her body from producing the usual chemicals that turn their skin gray. Aside from her eyes and her distinct pink hue, Pinkie is just like any other dolphin.
For years, the gender of Pinkie remained a mystery. Many assumed she was female simply because of her coloration. It wasn’t until last year that someone managed to get close enough to photograph Pinkie during mating season. Captain Erik Rue, who runs a charter boat, captured photos of her swimming around Lake Charles, Louisiana.
Although he has known Pinkie since 2007—remarking on her curious nature as she swam just three meters from his boat—it wasn’t until 2015 that he confirmed Pinkie was indeed a female dolphin. “I took a series of photos during her mating activities and it turned out she’s a female,” Rue told ABC News. “I believe I was the first to see and photograph this.”
Now that the mystery of her gender is solved, a new question arises: Is Pinkie pregnant? Who knows—perhaps some pink dolphin babies are on the way!